

Contrôle qualité des données de séquençage Illumina


L’objectif de ce tutoriel est d’analyser la qualité de données de séquençage Illumina avec seqkit, FastQC et MultiQC. […] Évaluer la qualité des données issues d’un séquençage haut-débit est la …


Metabarcoding analaysis (16S rRNA marker) with FROGS


The purpose of this post is to show you how to analyze 16S metabarcoding datasets (Illumina 16S V3-V4 region) from the command line with FROGS on the migale server and how to explore data in a BIOM …


16S Metagenomics Training - Chaillou dataset analysis


This vignette is a re-analysis of the data set from Chaillou et al. (2015), as suggested in the Homeworks section of the slides. Note that this is only one of many analyses that could be done on the …


16S Metagenomics Training - Ravel dataset analysis


This vignette is a re-analysis of the data set from Ravel et al. (2011), as suggested in the Homeworks section of the slides. Note that this is only one of many analyses that could be done on the …

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